Tuesday, September 24, 2013

An evening at the fair

Pretty great day today! I was actually out with people this evening, and ordered food from a Spanish restaurant, which was this delicious spinach crepe. I went to a fair with several teachers and other professionals in Spain. It's interesting, Spain is pretty cell phone/ipad/laptop free, at least in public. There are not a lot of Wifi hotspots (and one of the two that I'm using is a 'hotspot' where someone forgot to password protect their internet). People don't use their phones at dinner, or even generally when they're with other people. It's a good way of life, I think. The younger generation does seem a little more inclined to use them, so it might be a slower progression here. Perhaps my students will be the generation to really start using them. 

The fair was only about a square block large. I've decided that carnies are carnies no matter what country you're in. Spongebob (Bob Esponja) is really popular here. Seriously, there were six Spongebob themed rides at the fair--in one square block. Weird (also, some of them nightmare fuel. I'll post pictures soon). I got lots of great almost English pictures (they'll be on Facebook). They also had a lot of things that would be considered too sexual for American carnivals, so that kind was kind of shocking. Oh, and some of the prizes were giant ham legs!
It's safe to eat, I hope

Overall, today was a success. I did come home and find another half dozen roaches, this time in my kitchen. I didn't know why I thought they weren't in the kitchen. I hadn't seen them in there, but it's not like the force is keeping them out... anyway, I've got some roaches to clean off the floor. They're all dead now. They may survive many things, but whatever is in this Caca Paff seems to mess up their nervous system. Slightly disconcerting that I'm spraying it on my floor, but... ah well.

Enough about cockroaches (though to be honest this might be a recurring theme). I have the day off tomorrow, and then the weekend, and then hopefully Monday I'll have internet in my apartment, so I won't have to stand in the lobby balancing my laptop on my knee.

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