Thursday, October 10, 2013

Oi vey

Apparently my landlady is moving in with me. She did not mention this to me at any point, just kind of did it. I was having a private lesson with a student today, and found out by her saying something to the affect of 'when I move in here, you can't have lessons here'. It's fine, I can do it in his house, but I don't think this was the best way to break her moving in to me.

Actually, what's set me off about the whole thing was that not only has she been moving all my stuff around (seriously, what's wrong with fruit on the counter in a container?) but that she started out by smoking in the living room. One of the reason I chose this apartment was because it specifically said, 'no smoking'. Guess that was more of a suggestion... I'm not even sure if she's here right now. They close all the bedroom doors in Spain (which I never do) so I don't want to be creepy and open them in case she's sleeping. I know deep down that these are all cultural differences, but as someone who is most definitely American, I'm having trouble not feeling annoyed.

I was walking back with my students grandmother (a wonderful woman named Luisa that I met at a catechesis event in Burgos) and she thought it was weird as well. "I thought you lived alone?" "Yeah, so did I." They stopped by before the lesson, and quite frankly I thought my landlady was a little rude to Luisa, but maybe that's a cultural difference, too. I've really gotten used to staying alone in this house that now the opposite is jarring. Luckily, she has her own bathroom.

Going out for drinks this evening with some teachers. Should be fun, and maybe by the time I get back the smoke will have cleared out somewhat.

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